#!/bin/sh # # $Id: sync_loop_unix.sh,v 1.13 2022/01/09 09:53:47 gilles Exp gilles $ # Example for imapsync massive migration on Unix systems. # See also http://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Massive.txt # # Data is supposed to be in file.txt in the following format: # host001_1;user001_1;password001_1;host001_2;user001_2;password001_2;; # ... # The separator is the character semi-colon ";" # this separator character can be changed to any character # by changing IFS=';' in the while loop below. # # Each line contains 7 columns. These columns are the 6 parameter values # for the imapsync command options # --host1 --user1 --password1 --host2 --user2 --password2 # plus an extra column for extra parameters and a trailing fake column # to avoid CR LF part going in the 7th parameter extra. # So don't forget the last semicolon, especially on MacOS systems. # # You can also add extra options in this script after the variable "$@" # Those options will be applied in every imapsync run, for every line. # The imapsync command below is written in two lines to avoid a long line. # The character backslash \ at the end of the first line is means # "the command continues on the next line". # # Use character backslash \ at the end of each supplementary line, # except for the last line. # # You can also pass extra options via the parameters of this script since # they will be in "$@". Shell knowledge is your friend. # The credentials filename "file.txt" used for the loop can be renamed # by changing "file.txt" below. # The file file_failures.txt will contain the lines from file.txt that ended # up in error, for whatever reason. It's there to notice and replay easily # the failed imapsync runs. Is is emptied at the beginning of the loop run. # I let you junggle with it. echo Looping on accounts credentials found in file.txt echo line_counter=0 # Empty the error listing > file_failures.txt { while IFS=';' read h1 u1 p1 h2 u2 p2 extra fake do line_counter=`expr 1 + $line_counter` { echo "$h1" | tr -d '\r' | egrep '^#|^ *$' ; } > /dev/null && continue # this skip commented lines in file.txt echo "==== Starting imapsync with --host1 $h1 --user1 $u1 --host2 $h2 --user2 $u2 $extra $@ ====" if imapsync --host1 "$h1" --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \ --host2 "$h2" --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" $extra "$@" then echo "success sync for line $line_counter " else echo "$h1;$u1;$p1;$h2;$u2;$p2;$extra;" | tee -a file_failures.txt fi echo "==== Ended imapsync with --host1 $h1 --user1 $u1 --host2 $h2 --user2 $u2 $extra $@ ====" echo done } < file.txt