#!/bin/cat # $Id: INSTALL.Centos.txt,v 1.35 2024/06/18 10:14:55 gilles Exp gilles $ This documentation is also located online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/INSTALL.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/INSTALL.d/INSTALL.Centos.txt ======================================================================= Installing imapsync on CentOS ======================================================================= There is one section for AlmaLinux 9 one for AlmaLinux and Centos 8, one for Centos 7, and one for Centos 6. ======================================================================= AlmaLinux 9 ======================================================================= How to install imapsync on AlmaLinux 9: dnf install --enablerepo=crb imapsync imapsync --testslive Thanks to Alejandro GdeA for this tip. ======================================================================= AlmaLinux and Centos 8 ======================================================================= How to install imapsync on AlmaLinux and Centos 8: dnf install --enablerepo=powertools imapsync imapsync --testslive For Centos 8 End Of Life fix: https://www.centos.org/centos-linux-eol/ If you encounter the error "Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist" Do this: sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-* sed -i 's|#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://vault.centos.org|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-* dnf update To upgrade to CentOS stream: dnf install centos-release-stream dnf swap centos-{linux,stream}-repos dnf distro-sync Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70926799/centos-through-vm-no-urls-in-mirrorlist and tested successfuly on one of my hosts, an ex-Centos8/CentOS-stream now. ======================================================================= AlmaLinux and Centos 8 and latest imapsync ======================================================================= At the time of this writing (December 2021), the powertools repository contains imapsync release 1.977, which is not the latest available imapsync release. (1.977 date is 2019/12/23 while 2.174 is 2021/12/14) In order to install the latest imapsync I suggest the following process: Install the powertools imapsync 1.977 release via dnf like mentioned above. It will install the needed packages, Perl itself and Perl modules for release 1.977. The imapsync 2.206 and next ones needs the Perl module: dnf install perl-Proc-ProcessTable wget -N https://imapsync.lamiral.info/imapsync chmod +x imapsync Now you should have the latest imapsync in your current directory. Test it with: ./imapsync --testslive If you want to install it on your system and replace the old one: mv /usr/bin/imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync_old cp ./imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync imapsync --version should give the latest release number instead of 1.727 (It is imapsync release 2.231 at the time of this writing) You may get an even more recent imapsync release this way. ======================================================================= Centos 7 ======================================================================= First install access to the Epel repository via yum: yum install epel-release Then install imapsync and its dependencies: yum install imapsync After installing imapsync, it should be able to work on your system. A good test that shows also the basic example: imapsync A live test: imapsync --testslive --tls1 --ssl2 Unit tests: imapsync --tests ======================================================================= Centos 7 and latest imapsync ======================================================================= At the time of this writing (March 2020), the epel7 repository still contains imapsync release 1.727, which is not the latest available imapsync release. (1.727 date is 2016/08/19 while 2.174 is 2021/12/14) In order to install the latest imapsync I suggest the following process: Install the epel imapsync 1.727 release via yum like mentioned above. It will install many needed packages, Perl itself and Perl modules for release 1.727. The latest imapsync needs more Perl modules. Then: yum install perl-App-cpanminus \ perl-Dist-CheckConflicts \ perl-HTML-Parser \ perl-libwww-perl \ perl-Module-Implementation \ perl-Module-ScanDeps \ perl-Package-Stash \ perl-Package-Stash-XS \ perl-PAR-Packer \ perl-Regexp-Common \ perl-Sys-MemInfo \ perl-Test-Fatal \ perl-Test-Mock-Guard \ perl-Test-Requires \ perl-Test-Deep \ perl-File-Tail \ perl-Unicode-String \ perl-Test-NoWarnings \ perl-Test-Simple \ perl-Test-Warn \ perl-Sub-Uplevel \ perl-Proc-ProcessTable \ ca-certificates Also, run the following commands: cpanm Encode::IMAPUTF7 wget -N https://imapsync.lamiral.info/imapsync chmod +x imapsync Now you should have the latest imapsync in your current directory. Test it with: ./imapsync --testslive If you want to install it on your system and replace the old one: mv /usr/bin/imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync_old cp ./imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync imapsync --version should give the latest release number instead of 1.727 (It is imapsync release 2.231 at the time of this writing) If you want to install an online imapsync service like /X then you also need a recent decent CGI.pm, add it with cpanm: cpanm CGI ======================================================================= Centos 6 ======================================================================= This section has been tested with imapsync release 1.670 First, install access to the Epel repository wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm Then install imapsync and its dependencies: yum install imapsync After installing imapsync, it should be able to work on your system. A good test that shows also the basic example: imapsync A live test: imapsync --testslive Unit tests: imapsync --tests ======================================================================= Centos 6 and latest imapsync ======================================================================= Install the epel imapsync 1.670 release via yum like mentioned above. It will install many needed packages, Perl itself and Perl modules for release 1.670. The latest imapsync needs more Perl modules. Then: yum install perl-App-cpanminus \ perl-Dist-CheckConflicts \ perl-HTML-Parser \ perl-libwww-perl \ perl-Module-Implementation \ perl-Module-ScanDeps \ perl-Package-Stash \ perl-Package-Stash-XS \ perl-PAR-Packer \ perl-Regexp-Common \ perl-Sys-MemInfo \ perl-Test-Fatal \ perl-Test-Mock-Guard \ perl-Test-Requires \ perl-Test-Deep \ perl-File-Tail \ perl-Unicode-String \ install perl-Proc-ProcessTable Also, run the following commands: cpanm Encode::IMAPUTF7 wget -N https://imapsync.lamiral.info/imapsync chmod +x imapsync Now you should have the latest imapsync in your current directory. Test it with: ./imapsync --testslive If you want to install it on your system and replace the old one: mv /usr/bin/imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync_old cp ./imapsync /usr/bin/imapsync imapsync --version should give the latest release number instead of 1.727 (It is imapsync release 2.231 at the time of this writing) Now you have the latest imapsync on Centos 6, do you? ======================================================================= =======================================================================