#!/bin/cat $Id: FAQ.SmarterMail.txt,v 1.15 2021/04/30 13:02:17 gilles Exp gilles $ This document is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.SmarterMail.txt ======================================================================= Imapsync tips for SmarterMail. Specific issues and solutions. ======================================================================= https://imapsync.lamiral.info/README ... --prefix1 str : Remove prefix str to all destination folders, usually "INBOX." or "INBOX/" or an empty string "". imapsync guesses the prefix if host1 imap server does not have NAMESPACE capability. So this option should not be used most of the time. --prefix2 str : Add prefix to all host2 folders. See --prefix1 --sep1 str : Host1 separator. This option should not be used most of the time. Imapsync gets the separator from the server itself, by using NAMESPACE, or it tries to guess it from the folders listing (it counts characters / . \\ \ in folder names and choose the more frequent, or finally / if nothing is found. --sep2 str : Host2 separator. See --sep1 --noabletosearch : Makes --minage and --maxage options use the internal dates given by a FETCH imap command instead of the "Date:" header. Internal date is the arrival date in the mailbox. --noabletosearch equals --noabletosearch1 --noabletosearch2 --noabletosearch1 : Like --noabletosearch but for host1. --noabletosearch2 : Like --noabletosearch but for host2. --useheader str : Use this header to compare messages on both sides. Example: Message-ID or Subject or Date. --useheader str and this one, etc. ======================================================================= Q. Synchronizing from SmarterMail to XXX On Unix: imapsync --host1 imap.d1.org --user1 joe --password1 secret1 \ --host2 imap.d2.org --user2 joe --password2 secret2 \ --prefix1 "" --sep1 "/" --useheader Message-Id --noabletosearch On Windows: imapsync.exe --host1 imap.d1.org --user1 joe --password1 secret1 ^ --host2 imap.d2.org --user2 joe --password2 secret2 ^ --prefix1 "" --sep1 "/" --useheader Message-Id --noabletosearch ======================================================================= Q. Synchronizing from XXX to SmarterMail On Unix: imapsync --host1 imap.d1.org --user1 joe --password1 secret1 \ --host2 imap.d2.org --user2 joe --password2 secret2 \ --prefix2 "" --sep2 "/" --useheader Message-Id --noabletosearch On Windows: imapsync.exe --host1 imap.d1.org --user1 joe --password1 secret1 ^ --host2 imap.d2.org --user2 joe --password2 secret2 ^ --prefix2 "" --sep2 "/" --useheader Message-Id --noabletosearch ======================================================================= =======================================================================