#!/bin/cat $Id: FAQ.Old_Style_Web_Design.txt,v 1.10 2024/08/12 09:58:10 gilles Exp gilles $ This document is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Old_Style_Web_Design.txt ======================================================================= Imapsync and its ugly website style ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Q. Why does the imapsync website look so old-fashioned? R. Once in a while, I receive messages from people complaining about the website style. It's not that much about the content though, as people don't read. I know the imapsync website has a grandmother style, I'm not offended by complaints about it. Here are several reasons it stays like that for now: * I like to do things myself. I'm then less dependent on someone else or on some fancy new framework that won't last long. * I like the static web. I like dynamic web when the dynamic brings something that can't be done easily with static files. I use Server Side Include, aka SSI, denoted by the ".shtml" extension of some files, instead of the classical ".html" extension. * I'm proud to be w3c-compliant. Check the imapsync website w3c-compliance at https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fimapsync.lamiral.info Very few sites are w3c-compliant, it's because nearly all CMS frameworks aren't. I don't use CMS frameworks. Only true crazy people are w3c-compliant seekers. I'm one of them. If you know a CMS w3c compliant, tell me, it will be such crazy news. If you know any website w3c-compliant, tell me, it will be crazy news as well. Update: https://contao.org/ is a CMS and it is w3c-compliant! This is astonishing! (Thanks to Markus Rupprecht for this crazy input!) * I prefer to spend more time on the product itself than the showcase. That said, the showcase in its current form does take time, hours and hours to look bad. * The product is a command line, a fancy website to sell a command line makes more disappointed buyers. * I am lazy. I agree I could do some sort of A/B experiment and see whether during a month I sell more imapsync on a brand new style B site than the current A one. Besides, don't misunderstand buyers. The surprising thing about complainers is that all are web designers, and none of them is a user not in the web design branch. I even received a phone call from a buyer saying: "I saw your website and I told to myself: this can't be a fake one, the product must be a good one". Another folk like me: http://keyhut.com/pos.htm (well, not w3c-compliant, he is not that mad) So maybe one day...