$Id: FAQ.Office365.txt,v 1.54 2024/06/27 09:09:20 gilles Exp gilles $ This documentation is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Office365.txt ====================================================================== Imapsync tips for Office365. ====================================================================== Questions answered in this FAQ are: Q. Can I use imapsync to transfer from or to Office365 accounts? Q. Can imapsync work for users that are administrators for an Office 365 domain? (quick answer: no) Q. Does imapsync support OAUTH2 authentication for Office365 accounts? Q. How to sync from Office365 to XXX? Q. How to sync from XXX to Office365 Q. For Office365 I have double and triple-checked the username and password spelling but I still get a "LOGIN failed". Any clue? Q. Office365 fails with "User is authenticated but not connected". Q. How can I access a shared mailbox? Q. How can I use a shared account as a backup account for several mailboxes and so avoid spending too many dollars in backup accounts? Q. I see "NO Maximum size of appendable message has been exceeded" What can I do with that? Q. Every single mail synced to exchange online owns the category $MDNSent after migration. How can I avoid this? Q. The imap connection to Office365 is not working very efficiently, is there a solution to fix that? Q. Office365 throttles the sync and says: "Request is throttled. Suggested Backoff Time: 299961 milliseconds". What can I do with that? Q. What are the receive and sending limits of Office365? Q. The sync fails with many "Trying command when NOT connected!". What can I do? Q. How to see or migrate public folders on Office365? R. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/collaboration/public-folders/migrate-to-exchange-online?view=exchserver-2019 https://www.exchangesavvy.com/moving-your-public-folders-to-office-365-what-you-need-to-know/ Q. Office365 refuses to create the folder named "Files" with the error "NO Folder name is reserved". What happens? Q. Office365 users complain that a folder named "Files" contains messages with no sender. Q. From XXX to Office365, read receipts are all resent again after sync. Even for old messages. How can I fix that? Q. DEBUG: IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1043: local error: SSL read error DEBUG: IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1043: local error: SSL read error Q. From XXX Office365 I get this error message sometimes: "BAD Command Argument Error 11". What does it mean? Q. From XXX to Office365 the flag Flagged does not seem to be well synced. What can I do? Q. How to migrate from or to Office 365 with an admin/authuser account? Q. Couldn't create folder [trash] "Mailbox already exists". Now the questions again with their answers. https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Office365.txt ====================================================================== Q. Can I use imapsync to transfer from or to Office365 accounts? R0. Yes, but it's not easy anymore for new Azure accounts. The IMAP access to an Office365 account is allowed by default but sometimes it is not. See the following documentation to activate or verify the IMAP access: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/troubleshoot/configure-mailboxes/pop3-imap-owa-activesync-office-365 Having the IMAP access turned on is one thing, the second part is the authentication method. There are three authentication methods available to authenticate in IMAP to an Office365 account with Imapsync. For now, authentication to Office365 with Imapsync is not a piece of cake (June 2023). One authentication method is the LOGIN method, the second is the app password and the third is the OAUTH2 method. The LOGIN method is available for personal or family accounts. The credentials are composed of the user email address as the login identifier and his normal password as the password. Nothing special has to be done with this LOGIN method, it works by default, when it works. The app password authentication method, described below in R2, is also available for personal or family accounts. It doesn't work for new Enterprise accounts or School accounts. It still works for old Enterprise mailboxes that have been allowed to. The app password credentials are composed of the user email address and an "app password". The password is a string made of 16 lowercase characters generated by Microsoft on their website, like "bybzandyfmvmytbo" for example. See below how to generate an app password on the Microsoft website. The third method is the so-called Modern authentication, OAUTH2. I describe it first. R1. The OAUTH2 access token way. I wrote a command, called "oauth2_imap", to generate an OAUTH2 access token to access an Office365 mailbox using the IMAP protocol. Once generated, this token file is ready to use with imapsync to access the given mailbox. Read and follow the document https://imapsync.lamiral.info/oauth2/oauth2_imap/README_oauth2.txt For now, imapsync doesn't support directly the OAUTH2 authentication for Office365 accounts but if you have an OAUTH2 access token to access your mailbox then you can authenticate with imapsync this way: imapsync ... --oauthaccesstoken1 tokenfile or imapsync ... --oauthaccesstoken2 tokenfile where "tokenfile" is a file containing the access token value in the first line. Option --oauthaccesstoken1 is for a source account, option --oauthaccesstoken2 is for a destination account. Use the command oauth2_imap to generate the token or to refresh it. R2. The "App password" way. Enable double-step authentication and configure it but after use an "app password" with imapsync. Details: a) Go to https://account.microsoft.com/security b) Click on "Advanced Security Options" Turn "Two-step verification" on. Follow the steps and finish". c) Now "App passwords" are available. Click on "Create a new app password". Use this password to authenticate with imapsync. d) Delete this app password when the job with imapsync is finished. R3. Also, check a license is assigned to that account in Office365. R4. From Dave Pusey https://github.com/imapsync/imapsync/issues/317#issuecomment-1027776418 I quote Dave nearly verbatim: "I had created an app password, and security defaults are already off. I have now figured out the issue. Despite the MS365 and EXO admin centers showing that IMAP and Basic Auth were all enabled, it turns out that in Oct 2021, Microsoft began disabling basic auth for all tenants that had never used it by that point. There was an item in my Message Center from that date saying my tenant was being done. You can re-enable it for specific protocols (IMAP in this case) using the diagnostic process detailed at https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-and-exchange-online-september-2021-update/bc-p/2782230 (see the section "Limited Opt Out") R5. Microsoft introduced something called "security defaults" which is enabled by default for new tenants. One of the rules blocks IMAP access as of imapsync. The funny thing is that you can't disable a single rule of this security package without buying additional licenses. Switching the whole thing off allows the IMAP login. Also, disable double-step authentication on the Azure/Active Directory portal. See here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/concept-fundamentals-security-defaults Thanks to Stephan Buhre for this R5 answer. R6. Are there special characters in the password? https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Authentication_failure.txt https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Passwords_on_Windows.txt https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Passwords_on_Unix.txt https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Passwords_on_Mac.txt R7. Triple-check the hostname. Try all of these: * outlook.office365.com * imap-mail.outlook.com * imap.outlook.com ====================================================================== Q. Can imapsync work for users that are administrators for an Office 365 domain? (quick answer: no) A1. It doesn't seem possible to use imap for administrators, so imapsync won't be able to work for an administrator's mailbox. The symptom goes like this: the authentication succeeds, but, soon after, a LIST command fails with a rough disconnection from the imap server outlook.office365.com. See: https://github.com/imapsync/imapsync/issues/310#issuecomment-1002396218 https://exhaust.lewiscollard.com/post/146866104/office365-to-migadu-migration/ Solutions: a) or b) a) Change the user in question to no longer be a Global Administrator. Thanks to Harry Saal for this tested solution. b) As explained in the article above, use Davmail as a proxy to access this mailbox. http://davmail.sourceforge.net/ Thanks to Lewis Collard for this report and solution. ====================================================================== Q. Does imapsync support OAUTH2 authentication for Office365 accounts? R. Yes but partially. Imapsync won't help you getting an access token but if you have one then you can use it with imapsync this way: Office365 as source: imapsync ... --oauthaccesstoken1 tokenfile1 Office365 as destination: imapsync ... --oauthaccesstoken2 tokenfile2 ====================================================================== Q. How to sync from Office365 to XXX? R0. IMAP is not enabled by default on Office365, see how to enable it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/troubleshoot/configure-mailboxes/pop3-imap-owa-activesync-office-365 If IMAP cannot be enabled or if it doesn't work well, you can try DavMail (http://davmail.sourceforge.net/) which acts as an IMAP gateway through Outlook Web Access. R. On Windows, use: imapsync.exe ... --office1 On Unix, use: imapsync ... --office1 Option --office1 is like (release 1.970 or higher): imapsync ... --host1 outlook.office365.com \ --ssl1 \ --exclude "^Files$" ====================================================================== Q. How to sync from XXX to Office365 R0. IMAP is not enabled by default on Office365, see how to enable it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/troubleshoot/configure-mailboxes/pop3-imap-owa-activesync-office-365 If IMAP cannot be enabled or if it doesn't work well, you can try DavMail (http://davmail.sourceforge.net/) which acts as an IMAP gateway through Outlook Web Access. R. Here is a command-line resume that solves most encountered issues when migrating to Office365. imapsync ... --office2 which is equivalent to (in imapsync release 1.870 or higher): imapsync ... \ --host2 outlook.office365.com \ --ssl2 \ --maxsize 45000000 \ --maxmessagespersecond 4 \ --disarmreadreceipts \ --regexmess "s,(.{10239}),$1\r\n,g" \ --f1f2 "Files=Files_renamed_by_imapsync" On Linux, you can also try the "reformime" command that can be used like: imapsync ... --maxlinelengthcmd "reformime -r7" To get reformime, install the "maildrop" package. On Linux again, there is a good Python script in the tarball that can fix several things that Exchange or O365 have issues with. Use it like this: ./imapsync ... --pipemess W/tools/fix_email_for_exchange.py It often does some miracles on messages. ====================================================================== Q. For Office365 I have double and triple-checked the username and password spelling but I still get a "LOGIN failed". Any clue? R. Go to "Q. Can I use imapsync to transfer from or to Office365 accounts?" ====================================================================== Q. Office365 fails with "User is authenticated but not connected". A1. "The message User is authenticated but not connected is due to a bug in the Office365 server's IMAP implementation. If the client presents a valid user name but an invalid password, the server accepts the login, but subsequent commands fail with the aforementioned error message." Source: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/164823/user-is-authenticated-but-not-connected-after-changing-my-exchange-password Thanks to James Abbottsmith for this link and explanation at https://github.com/imapsync/imapsync/issues/32#issuecomment-153561647 A2. Miguel Alameda reported understanding and solving this issue like this, the context was admin/authuser: "The admin user had not permission in the target mailbox." A3. Stefan Meier has an other story to solve it: "When I first created the token using the oauth2_example_office365.bat file from the oauth2_imap folder, a browser opened where I had to login. After login, I was redirected to authorize the Imapsync app as a Global Administrator. At this point, I logged in as Global Admin and after that, the text-page was displayed. Maybe the Token was therefore not for the actual user but for the Global Admin as the browser was then logged in with the Global Admin's Account and not with the user's account I wanted the token for. I then emptied the browser cache and created a new token using the same example.bat file. This time I only had to login as the user the token was for and the browser is still logged in with this user, now. It also works now with this new token." ====================================================================== Q. How can I access a shared mailbox? R. First, create a shared mailbox, for example shared@example.com. Then give full permissions to a licensed account user@example.com. Now with imapsync, use the licensed user login with the syntax: user@example.com\shared@example.com and the password for user@example.com Caveat: Character \ is a special character, so use double-quotes around the user login, like: imapsync ... --user1 "user@example.com\shared@example.com" Sources: https://adam-hand.com/2017/07/25/connect-a-shared-mailbox-from-o365-to-outlook-via-imap/ https://www.arclab.com/en/kb/email/imap-settings-shared-mailbox-office-exchange-online.html https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/336e02ee-6767-4810-90a0-1352bd7cc9e9/office-365-how-to-access-a-shared-mailbox-using-imap-client?forum=onlineservicesexchange ====================================================================== Q. How can I use a shared account as a backup account for several mailboxes and so avoid spending too many dollars in backup accounts? R. Use the option --subfolder2 backup_foo imapsync ... --user2 sharedloginsyntax --subfolder2 backup_foo To restore, do the reverse with: imapsync ... --user1 sharedloginsyntax --subfolder1 backup_foo ====================================================================== Q. I see "NO Maximum size of appendable message has been exceeded" What can I do with that? R. Office365 supports send/receive max message sizes of up to 150MB but you need to make changes in your tenant(s) to support it. The following PowerShell command will increase the message sizes that can be sent/received. The trick in getting IMAPSync to work is to apply these settings to the accounts performing the migration, NOT the accounts associated with the target mailbox (assuming you're using service accounts to perform transfers on behalf of users). Set-mailbox -Identity $UPN -MaxReceiveSize 150mb -MaxSendSize 150mb e.g. Set-mailbox -Identity "migrationaccount@testtenant.onmicrosoft.com" -MaxReceiveSize 150mb -MaxSendSize 150mb We're transferring data between Office 365 tenants so we set these values on the migration accounts in the source and target tenants. Thanks to Sean McDougall, Ian Thomas & Matt Wilks from Toronto for this FAQ item. ====================================================================== Q. Every single mail synced to exchange online owns the category $MDNSent after migration. How can I avoid this? R. To remove the flag $MDNSent from all messages, use: imapsync ... --regexflag "s/\$MDNSent//g" See also the document https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Flags.txt ====================================================================== Q. The imap connection to Office365 is not working very efficiently, is there a solution to fix that? R. Yes. Try DavMail http://davmail.sourceforge.net/ I don't use it myself but a user, Yannick Palanque, reported great results using it. ====================================================================== Q. The sync fails with many "Trying command when NOT connected!". What can I do? R. The --debugimap option can show you more details, especially messages like this one: "BAD Request is throttled. Suggested Backoff Time: 178755 milliseconds" In that case, see the next faq item and its fixes. ====================================================================== Q. Office365 throttles the sync and says: "Request is throttled. Suggested Backoff Time: 299961 milliseconds". What can I do with that? R. Office365 has throttle mechanisms to limit any huge usage. Sometimes imapsync transfers are too stressful for servers. The following message "Request is throttled. Suggested Backoff Time: 299961 milliseconds" comes from the imap Office365 server, imapsync just reports it before being disconnected from it. To solve the throttles issues from 0365, there are two solutions at least: R1. Call Microsoft Office365 and ask them to remove the limits on your mailboxes. That's not a joke, they do it for 90 days usually, sometimes only after you reach the second technician you call, the first one usually be not enough competent to understand what you're talking about (I would be glad to remove this bad fact). R2. Play with options --maxbytespersecond or --maxmessagespersecond or --exitwhenover imapsync ... --maxbytespersecond 100_000 imapsync ... --maxmessagespersecond 2 imapsync ... --exitwhenover 1_000_000_000 I don't know the upper value that avoids the default throttling from 0365 and I guess it changes over time. ====================================================================== Q. What are the receive and sending limits of Office365? R1. 3600 messages per hour (22 July 2021). Maybe 1200 as imapsync can be viewed as a single sender. Tell me what you experienced, I'll update this point. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/exchange-online-limits#receiving-and-sending-limits In that case, imapsync can adapt to this with (1 message/second = 3600 messages per hour) imapsync ... --maxmessagespersecond 1 or imapsync ... --maxmessagespersecond 0.33 R2. I also found "Microsoft theoretically allows for about 300MB of throughput per user per hour." at https://www.systools.in/blog/microsoft-office-365-throttling-policy/ In that case, imapsync can adapt to this with (83333 bytes/second = 300 MBytes/hour) imapsync ... --maxbytespersecond 83333 ====================================================================== Q. Office365 refuses to create the folder named "Files" with the error "NO Folder name is reserved". What happens? R. The folder Files is a standard folder in Office365. It should not be synced in IMAP. See the next question. ====================================================================== Q. Office365 users complain that a folder named "Files" contains messages with no sender. R0. To fix this, add --exclude Files imapsync ... --exclude Files If you use --office1 then imapsync will add this exclusion automatically like using the option: imapsync ... --exclude "^Files$" If you use --office2 then imapsync will add a renaming of any "Files" folder on host1, like using the option: imapsync ... --f1f2 "Files=Files_renamed_by_imapsync" The host2 account ends up with a folder named "Files_renamed_by_imapsync", but no complaining. R1. This folder "Files" seems to be a standard folder in Exchange Online, but it is not. This folder contains all attachments in every email that is in the mailbox but without any headers. This causes some confusion for users as these appear in their search results as duplicate lines but without the sender details or even the message body. This folder seems to be usually hidden so IMAP clients can’t see it, but for some reason sometimes it becomes visible. R2. It looks to be a common problem with Exchange Online. I’m not sure what causes the folder to appear. More info here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_o365admin-mso_exchon-mso_o365b/exclude-the-exchange-online-system-folder-called/2adbdf84-db4a-4c7f-ac29-738757980a0d https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_o365admin-mso_dep365-mso_o365b/no-sender-emails-in-files-folder/534bae8f-a7d7-4f5f-8ed7-5bad0d5fa23f (This question/answer is taken quasi verbatim from Perttu Aaltonen) ====================================================================== Q. From XXX to Office365, read receipts are all resent again after sync. Even for old messages. How can I fix that? R. Imapsync can remove the header containing this read-receipt request. On Unix or Windows use: imapsync ... --disarmreadreceipts Since read receipts should be sent for unseen messages that will go to a seen state after the migration, you could be strict and apply the regex only to seen messages. Selecting seen message can be done with: imapsync ... --search1 "SEEN" --disarmreadreceipts A second run has to be run without the --disarmreadreceipts for unseen messages: imapsync ... --search1 "UNSEEN" If fact --disarmreadreceipts is just an option equivalent to: --regexmess 's{\A(.*?(?! ^$))^Disposition-Notification-To:(.*?)$}{$1X-Disposition-Notification-To:$2}igxms' That regex changes the header Disposition-Notification-To. It prefixes it with an X- so that it becomes inactive. Disposition-Notification-To: blabla becomes X-Disposition-Notification-To: blabla Thanks to David Karnowski for pointing and solving this issue. ====================================================================== Q. DEBUG: IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1043: local error: SSL read error DEBUG: IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1043: local error: SSL read error R1. "SSL read or write error" happens sometimes, it isn't related to imapsync directly but to the ssl underlying library when communicating with Exchange in TLS/SSL encrypted mode. Next runs should put the sync further, so rerun the syncs until it is well completed. R2. Another solution is to remove --tls or --ssl options for Exchange and accept clear text syncs. R3. See also the FAQ FAQ.SSL_errors.txt https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.SSL_errors.txt ====================================================================== Q. From XXX Office365 I get this error message sometimes: "BAD Command Argument Error 11". What does it mean? R. This error message comes from the Office365 IMAP server when it encounters any problem. Most of the time it is one of the following: * Some messages are bigger than the size limit. 45 MB by default on Office365. I don't know if it can be upped by configuration for Office365. If you can't fix this limit on Office365 then use the option --maxsize 45000000 for 45 MB to tell imapsync to skip those messages. imapsync ... --maxsize 45000000 # 45 MB for Office365 * Quota reached. The whole account is full. It can be upped by configuration. * You use --synclabels --resynclabels from a previous command line related to syncing from Gmail to Gmail. Remove them. * Some messages have some lines too long. Use option --maxlinelength to skip messages whose max line length is over some bytes. --maxlinelength 1000 is an RFC2822 must but most servers support higher values. Office365 supports 10500 characters line length: imapsync ... --maxlinelength 10500 In case you prefer fixing messages with long lines the hard way, instead of skipping them with --maxlinelength 10500, just use: On Windows imapsync ... --regexmess "s,(.{10500}),$1\r\n,g" On Unix imapsync ... --regexmess 's,(.{10500}),$1\r\n,g' Have also in mind that Office365 closes the connection after 10 errors encountered so you might also see "BYE Connection closed" errors from Office365, which means Office365 leaves the session and says goodbye, come back later. Redo some sync then. On Linux, there is a good Python script in the tarball that can fix several things that Office365 has issues with. Use it like this: ./imapsync ... --pipemess W/tools/fix_email_for_exchange.py It often does some miracles on messages. It's called fix_email_for_exchange because Office365 is Exchange, or at least started to be an Exchange server with the same issues. ====================================================================== Q. From XXX to Office365 the flag Flagged does not seem to be well synced. What can I do? R. Use the following trick. Run imapsync twice, one with --regexflag and one without, like this: 1) imapsync ... --regexflag "s/\\Flagged//g" 2) imapsync ... You can add --debugflags if you want to see what imapsync gets and does in detail with flags. The magic of this trick is on ignoring the \Flagged flag on the first sync and setting it on the second sync, with STORE instead of APPEND. This Office365 bug seems that Office365 gets and sets well the Flagged flag with APPEND in IMAP but then it forgets it with other protocols; With STORE it sets and gets the "\Flagged" flag everywhere. Thanks to Dave Murray and Simon Savva for reporting and solving this issue. ====================================================================== Q. How to migrate from or to Office 365 with an admin/authuser account? Note from Yago Torres Fernandez: (a working command using admin/authuser on host2 Office 365) imapsync ... --authuser2 user_admin@domain.com --user2 user_to_be_migrated@domain.com ^ --password2 XXXX --ssl2 but previously in Office365, you must do something like the following, using Powershell: Add-MailboxPermission -identity user_to_be_migrated@domain.com -user user_admin@domain.com -accessrights fullaccess -inheritancetype all Note from Betsy Lawlor: You can use global modern authentication with two factor on Exchange Online (M365) but you must have "AllowBasicAuthImap" on the admin account you are using to migrate the mail. Note from Guido (5 April 2022):The way I fixed it was by turning off security defaults https://docs.microsoft.com/nl-nl/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/concept-fundamentals-security-defaults. You still need to check IMAP access on an account-basis though. Remark: PLAIN authentication is the only way to go with --authuser1 for now. So don't use --authmech1 SOMETHING with --authuser1 admin_user, it will not work. Same behavior with the --authuser2 option. Note from Rafael Alvarez Ballesteros: When you get an Office365 license you will receive an admin user to handle your licenses and products like admin@yourcompanyname.onmicrosoft.com. This account is the administrator account; some weeks or months ago Microsoft has decided you need to use two-factor authentication by default, so if two factors authentication is enabled you will no be able to sync the mail (it will not connect to host2). OWA (I think this is the two-factor authentication) needs to be disabled globally and enabled individually on the users you want to. One account can have the right to access other mailboxes no matter if admin or any other account but needs to have OWA disabled to be able to connect to the office365 server. Note from Martin Paulucci: I had to remove the domain part for the user but not for the admin. Example: imapsync ... --authuser2 user_admin@domain.com --user2 user_to_be_migrated See also: http://linux-france.tk/prj/imapsync_list/msg02203.html Subject: RE: [imapsync] Office 365 - 'Master User'? Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 17:53:54 +0000 ====================================================================== Q. Couldn't create folder [trash] "Mailbox already exists". R. Some servers take care of character cases in folder names, some servers do not, like Exchange. Since not respecting the case can merge two different folders into one then imapsync respects the case. For example, if a host1 server has a folder name called "trash" and the host2 server already has a folder "Trash" or "TRASH" then imapsync will try to create the folder "trash" on host2 because trash and Trash are different strings. But if host2 does not respect character case it will consider folder "trash" already exists and will say it. That's the error message reported by imapsync: "Mailbox already exists". This message comes from the server. The folder creation fails but messages are well transferred in so take a look at this warning, understand why it happens and it should be fine most of the time. To avoid this warning use --regextrans2 to map the folder names imapsync ... --regextrans2 "s/^trash$/Trash/" If there are two folders Trash and trash on host1 then both will be merged into only one Trash folder on host2. In case of the option --delete2 is used the regextans2 above becomes mandatory, otherwise imapsync will sync messages from the first Trash and then delete them when syncing trash. If you want to avoid merging folders that are considered different on host1 but are considered the same on destination host2 because of case sensitivities and insensitivities, use --nomixfolders ====================================================================== ======================================================================