$Id: FAQ.GDPR.txt,v 1.4 2019/09/12 10:07:27 gilles Exp gilles $ This document is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.GDPR.txt ======================================================================= Imapsync and the GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679 ======================================================================= Questions answered in this FAQ are: Q. Can you explain the compliance of imapsync with GDPR? [General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679] Now the questions again with their answers. ======================================================================= Q. Can you explain the compliance of imapsync with GDPR? [General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679] R. 1) To know whether a newer imapsync exists or not, imapsync does a http GET to the file VERSION at http://imapsync.lamiral.info/VERSION Via the HTTP User-agent header it also sends: * the imapsync release * the Perl version * the Mail::IMAPClient version * the Operating System * the context ( Standard, CGI, or Docker ) You can remove this behavior by adding the option --noreleasecheck on the command line or by setting $releasecheck = 0 in the source code. Check also https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2013-4279 See also https://imapsync.lamiral.info/#NUMBERS 2) Each imapsync run generates a logfile that corresponds exactly to the output printed on the console during the run. This log file contains data from the mailboxes, not the content messages, not the passwords but it contains the folders names and the login names. Remove the log or use the option --nolog to avoid logging. 3) In case you purchase imapsync: 3.1) the data collected during the purchase, Name, Company Name, Postal Address, VAT number, Price, will be used to edit the invoice. I (Gilles LAMIRAL) keep a copy of the invoice for accounting. 3.2) Once in a while, I send an email to the buyers announcing a new imapsync is released and where to get it. 3.3) If the customer is a professional inside the EU, I also use his company VAT number and the amount to declare it to the Customs each month, before the 10th of the month, at https://pro.douane.gouv.fr/ It's mandatory, it's the law inside EU and the fine is 750 EUR/month when it is not done or not well done a month. ======================================================================= =======================================================================