@REM $Id: imapsync_example_oauth2.bat,v 1.4 2023/09/26 20:18:02 gilles Exp gilles $ @REM Here is an imapsync example batch for Windows users. @REM Lines beginning with @REM are just comments. @REM Please read the comments, they are written for you, human folk. @ECHO Getting/Updating the OAUTH2 tokens @ECHO @IF NOT EXIST tokens MKDIR tokens CALL .\oauth2_office365\oauth2_office365_with_imap.exe foo@outlook.com tokens\tokens_foo.txt localhost @ECHO Now calling imapsync with this fresh access token @REM In this example, @REM the source account uses an OAUTH2 access token ( --host1 --user1 --oauthaccesstoken1 ) @REM the destination account uses a password ( --host2 --user2 --password2 ) @REM change the values with yours. CALL .\imapsync.exe ^ --host1 outlook.office365.com --user1 foo@outlook.com --oauthaccesstoken1 tokens\tokens_foo.txt ^ --host2 test2.lamiral.info --user2 test2 --password2 secret2 ^ --dry --automap --justfolders @ECHO The sync is over. @ECHO Hit any key to close this window @ECHO the following word "to continue" means in fact "to close this window" @PAUSE @REM Developer side @REM CALL .\oauth2_office365\oauth2_office365_with_imap.exe gilles.lamiral@outlook.com oauth2_office365\tokens\oauth2_tokens_gilles.lamiral@outlook.com.txt localhost @REM CALL .\imapsync.exe ^ @REM --host1 outlook.office365.com --user1 gilles.lamiral@outlook.com --oauthaccesstoken1 oauth2_office365\tokens\oauth2_tokens_gilles.lamiral@outlook.com.txt ^ @REM --host2 outlook.office365.com --user2 gilles.lamiral@outlook.com --oauthaccesstoken2 oauth2_office365\tokens\oauth2_tokens_gilles.lamiral@outlook.com.txt ^ @REM --dry