# $Id: INSTALL.WSL.txt,v 1.7 2024/03/18 09:53:12 gilles Exp gilles $ This documentation is also located online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/INSTALL.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/INSTALL.d/INSTALL.WSL.txt ========================================================================================= 1) Installing imapsync using WSL, the Windows Subsystem for Linux ========================================================================================= I haven't tested it myself so far, Gilles Lamiral, using WSL, but it is possible and pretty simple. From Piotr Biesiada: I needed to run: cpan Encode::IMAPUTF7 cpan File::Copy::Recursive cpan IO::Tee cpan Mail::IMAPClient cpan Term::ReadKey cpan Unicode::String cpan Readonly cpan Sys::MemInfo cpan Regexp::Common cpan File::Tail cpan Test::MockObject Yet then imapsync was running ok in WSL (--tests and --testslive).