#!/bin/cat $Id: FAQ.Release_Checklist.txt,v 1.31 2023/10/17 12:33:40 gilles Exp gilles $ This documentation is also available online at https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/ https://imapsync.lamiral.info/FAQ.d/FAQ.Release_Checklist.txt ======================================================================= Imapsync developer notes ======================================================================= Checklist before release a new release: - Make "imapsync --tests" pass on Linux - Make "imapsync --tests" pass on Mac - Make "imapsync --tests" pass on Windows 64 bits make linuxtests make win64tests make mactests or make -j linuxtests win64tests mactests - Make "imapsync --testslive" pass on Linux - Make "imapsync --testslive" pass on Mac make mactestslive mactestslive6 - Add a new section in S/news.shtml reading "rlog imapsync". - Track any new Perl module dependency with the command: diff ../prepa_dist/imapsync-2.229/imapsync imapsync | grep use - In case of a new dependency, add it to all the INSTALL/* files. - Generate the README make doc - Run a spell checker on the README pod2text --loose --width=760 imapsync > README_for_grammarly.txt - Copy/Paste the README_for_grammarly.txt to https://app.grammarly.com/ - Read the README again slowly. Fix all issues, all. - Read the OPTIONS section of README and read it very slowly - Read slowly README_Windows.txt - Read slowly the TUTORIAL_Unix file in html - Make "rcsdiff imapsync" give nothing relevant and exit 0 - make ci pass. - make the binaries. make bin make mac win make mac_i386 mac_x86_64 - Review the newsletter by running: m4 -P W/ml_announce.in.txt - Update the file W/rsync_exclude_dist.txt - Update the file .gitignore - Review the TODO file and mark done what is done. - Review the general FAQ.d/FAQ.General.txt - Report values of --gmail1 --gmail2 to FAQ.Gmail.txt - Report values of --exchange* to FAQ.Exchange.txt - Report values of --office* to FAQ.Office365.txt - /X verify direct cgi - /X verify under noscript with firefox - /X verify under private with chrome - Check the binaries imapsync.exe imapsync_32bit.exe with https://www.virustotal.com/ https://www.metadefender.com/ - make biz test nytprof cover crit - make dist - verify on Windows the zip extraction and simple execution of imapsync_example.bat - verify binary version matches imapsync script version - make publish - verify VERSION is uploaded ======================================================================= =======================================================================